Hancock Rescue Squad

About the Hancock Rescue Squad

The Hancock Rescue Squad is a non-profit organization providing 24-hour emergency medical/fire services to over 1,540 residents in the town of Hancock, MD. We average 1000+ calls per year, with our excellent response time 3 minutes or less.

The Hancock Rescue Squad is a combined career and volunteer EMS/Rescue station located in the town of Hancock, Maryland. We were established in 1969, with our original location located at 57 E. Main Street. In 2005 we purchased our current station located at 6 E Main Street. The renovations and purchasing the new building took about 2 years. We finally moved into our new location in May2007.Our department not only handles calls for service in Hancock, but we also provide mutual aid to other jurisdictions to include Allegany County, Maryland; Morgan County, West Virgina; FultonCounty Pennsylvania; and Bedford County, Pennsylvania. Hancock Rescue Squad serves a population of about 1,540 residents throughout Hancock. This does not include our visitors here for our local attractions, or any citizens we provide Fire and Rescue services to outside of Hancock, MD. Our department responds to approximately 1000+ calls for service a year total for our rescue squad and EMS. Our station houses two Advanced Life Support (ALS)-equipped ambulances, one ALS-equipped chase vehicle, and one Basic Life Support (BLS)-equipped chase vehicle. The station also has one rescue squad to facilitate vehicle extrication and to assist in fire grounds operations, search-and-rescue, and technical rescue, and one ATV. We staff one (1) ALS unit24/7, 365 days a year as well a sour Rescue squad.Our mission and purpose here at Hancock Rescue Squad is to compassionately deliver high-quality service and basic, as well as advanced patient care in a professional manner to all Hancock, MD residents as well a our surrounding areas to include Clear Spring MD, Big Pool MD, Allegany CountyMD, Fulton County PA and Morgan County WV.As a Department, we strive to:

• Enhance the knowledge, preparedness and vigilance of the public, our employees and surrounding agencies through continued education, training and information sharing.
• Increase the communication with the public about events, emergencies, or disasters surrounding us.
• Obtain cooperation between service providers, citizens and our department to achieve the common goal of protection of life and property.

Gallery: Hancock Rescue Squad


Throughout the year we hold several different fundraisers as well as a fund drive to off set costs of operating our company being a non-profit organization. Each year we mail out our fund drives to our residents within Hancock, MD. While we understand some citizens can’t afford to donate to our fund drive, please consider doing so to help us help you. By doing so assists us to make sure we have paid personnel on to answer every call that comes in, as well as makes sure we have the most up to date equipment to better assist us in helping safely handle calls and safely get patients to the hospital.

If you are able to contribute, please see below for our online donation site. If you would rather mail donations to us please do so in the form of a check/cashier check or money order. We thank you for your continued support.


Contact Information

Hancock Rescue Squad
6 E Main Street
Hancock, MD 21750

Scott Buskirk
[email protected]

Stephen Barnhart
Chief of Operations
[email protected]

Deborah Cohill
Executive Director
[email protected]

Beth Buskirk
[email protected]