The Hancock Arts Council
The Hancock Arts Council is an ad hoc committee of the town and is completely self supporting. We put on at least one event every month and sometimes tow or three. We renovated the auditorium at TownHall at a cost of over$180,000. We raised funds for the renovation through fundraiser concerts as well as by using donations and grants.

Hancock Historical Society
Hancock in Motion
Hancock In Motion is an ad hoc committee of the Town of Hancock. We are a that likes to sponsor events and give back to the people in our area. All the proceeds from our events go back into the community.

Interfaith Service Coalition of Hancock, MD
The Interfaith Service Coalition (ISC) was founded in 1989, as a cooperative effort of the Churches of the greater Hancock area to coordinate efforts of community outreach and support in times of need or emergency. Local Churches, individuals and businesses from Hancock and closely surrounding communities in the tri-state area of Maryland, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania also helped fund and continue to support the organization.