Hancock Police Department

Mission Statement

The mission of the Hancock Police Department is to enhance the quality of life in the Town of Hancock by working cooperatively with business, industry, schools, and the public within the scope of authority provided by the Town Charter, State of Maryland and the United States Constitutions; to preserve peace, enforce laws, reduce fear and provide a safe environment.

Hancock Police Department Tip Line 301-799-5678

You may remain anonymous.

Vision Statement

“Partners with the Community”

Our commitment to the community that the members of the Hancock Police Department will, in the best interests of the community…do the right things…for the right reasons…at the right time.

Contact Information

Hancock Police Department
126 W. High Street
Hancock, MD 21750

Chief Rich Miller- rmiller@townofhancock.org
Sergeant Shawn Faith- sfaith@townofhancock.org
Officer Donnie O’Brien- dobrien@townofhancock.org
Officer Jesse Walls- jwalls@townofhancock.org
Officer Bailey Lynch- blynch@townofhancock.org